No. 1077 – Which Sex and the City fashion girl are you? Samantha Jones?

When it comes to sass and style, no one can outdo Sex and the City’s own Samantha Jones!
The brazen bombshell played by Kim Cattrall is fearless when it comes to hot hookups and suggestive styles, so it should come to no surprise that her character was often clad in curve-hugging dresses with plunging necklines and barely there backs.
As for accessories, we often saw the successful career woman flaunting lavish jewels and pricey handbags for all to envy.
Most remarkably, the confident character pulled off primary colors with exciting panache and rocked bold ’80s-inspired silhouettes with undeniable elegance.
What would look dowdy and dated on most women, looked exuberant and becoming on Samantha!
And as her character evolved into a more sophisticated and wiser woman, her wardrobe reflected as such.

Sex and the City / Samantha Jones -
Sex and the City / Samantha Jones –
C’N’C’ v-neck dress / MES DEMOISELLES pink jacket / SJP metallic pumps / Fendi shoulder bag / Graduation jewelry / Gold diamond earrings
Source: Samantha Jones

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