How to wear age appropriate shorts – in your 30s? (No. 2012 & 2015)

When you get into your 30s and you’ve gotten over the fact that you are no longer 29, you’ll realize that life is still fun and you still have it going on. Just a little bit more toned down.

As you have grown a decade, so should have your shorts. Add one or two inches to the length of your shorts of your 20s. Rule of thumb: stand straight and let your arms hang by your side. Your shorts should not be shorter than your finger tips down your thighs.

Jeans shorts that hit mid-thigh are still great, especially in combination with a cute frill wrap top in a popping color.

Shorts in your 30s -
Shorts in your 30s –
(No. 2012)

A white pair of jeans shorts is also a great alternative and very versatile. I combined it with a ruffled hem blouse which lends a touch of femininity to a casual look.

Shorts in your 30s -
Shorts in your 30s –
(No. 2015)

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