Fashion Horoscope: Libra

People who fall within the Libra Zodiac sign are usually very social. They know how to entertain a crowd, and have no problem being a gracious hostess.

When it comes to Libra fashion, the possibilities are limitless. Libras are not tied to one color or pattern. They usually love soft and feminine patterns. It’s very common to see a Libra in a short red dress with a simple yet creative pattern; however, their favorite colors are pink, blue and white. The Libra woman is always generous, loveable and sincere. It’s no secret that her clothes reflect her personality.

Libras love to look glamorous without spending a fortune. They love special deals and getting the look for less. Typical, women Libras don’t like flats. Their daily shoe fashion will consist of pumps, wedges, or high heels.

It’s not uncommon for a Libra to wear different types of dresses. She has a dress for every occasion; the long and sleek dress, the short and flirty dress, and the comfortable “every day” dress. No matter what dress she wears, you can rest on her wearing it with a nice pair of open-toed heels.

For a Libra, accessories are a must. Libras are all about feminine power, and their accessories show it. Whether it’s a clutch purse, or an oversized faux designer handbag, Libra women know how to match their purse with their outfits.

Libra -
Libra –

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