Style Metamorphosis™ – How to transform your personal style from being invisible to being invincible
Style Metamorphosis™
Discover your style and get noticed by the world!
I help women connect with their inner beauty and let it radiate to the outside.
In my Style Metamorphosis™ program they receive the right tools and knowledge, discover their style and choose the wardrobe that suits their body and personality. They learn to be self-expressed and empowered about the way they look and how others perceive them.
As a result, they are aligned with who they are and what they are passionate about in life and business, so that they can stand effortlessly in their power and be their unique and authentic self, which automatically attracts the right people and leads to more credibility and overall success.
In order to be in your full power and using your full potential you need to be authentic and believable. You can only achieve that by allowing yourself to connect with your true self.
I have the gift, education and expertise to see people at their core and bring out their true nature, let them shine in their best light and let it reflect in their wardrobe and how they present themself to the world.
Often times women struggle with finding clothing items that fit them right. And even if it’s the right size and color, it can still not be the right item for them. “Why does this matter?” and “Who cares?” you may say. It matters in a way that we all want to be seen, heard and loved for who we are.
“What if who I am is just running around in sweat pants and flip-flops and a tank top?” Well, I don’t believe that this is truly who you are and I don’t think you want to be perceived as if you did not care about yourself. In life, like on the plane when there is no more oxygen, you must help yourself first before you can help others by putting on the mask. What is it that you want to be seen, known and loved for? What is your “oxygen”? What does give you the energy and power to be and do your best?
Why do you think it is important to connect to your true self? Only when you are fully in you own power and know who you are, the world around you can decide whether or not they want to interact with you and you will only attract the people that are right for you, like a beautiful flower that attracts the honey bees. It’s nature to gravitate towards the light and not the darkness. When you bring out your own light and shine bright, you will attract people who want to connect with you and share your light.
“Why is this important in business? Can I not just put on a suit?” People sense when you are fake or when you are true. They may not be able to articulate it. They may just not want to do business with you anymore. If the ‘suit’ is not you then they know. They may wear one on their own that they are not comfortable in.
You have to find the right ‘suit’ for you. And with ‘suit’ I mean the right wardrobe that suits you and your needs. Fashion can be very confusing. Each season comes up with new trends and colors and it’s hard to pick and choose. This is where I come in. To eliminate the feeling of overwhelm and not knowing. I will be able to exactly tell you what fits you right and why and find the right items that speak to your true nature.
After our first initial consultation in person or via Skype, accompanied by a thorough questionnaire, I have a first impression of you and your inner nature. I get a sense of who you are and what matters to you. Based on your personal and professional goals we’ll come up with a plan and choose the next steps.
After you’ve gone through my Style Metamorphosis™ program, you will see yourself in a new light and feel beautiful and confident about yourself.
Other people will also see a difference in you and will be attracted to your radiance. They may compliment you more or just simply think you look better, younger, slimmer, more glowing or whatever else they might say. Are you curious enough to find out how you can achieve all that?
How do you show up in the world and how do you want to be seen? It’s your choice. Bring out your inner light and align yourself with your true nature. The clothes you wear are a reflection of your self worth and self care.
The way you carry yourself is a reflection of how you care for anything and everything. It’s a process and it requires your willingness to be open to change. Are you ready to own your true beauty and magnificence?
Stand in your own beauty. Own your beauty and magnificence. Let your radiance shine. You are worth it.
Please contact me for more information and prices.
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